



让孩子用双手把眼睛蒙上, 另一个小朋友藏到沙发后面, 让蒙眼睛的孩子猜。 这个游戏, 也可以在孩子蒙上眼睛后, 父母将家里的玩具动物藏起来, 让孩子猜。

One the eyes with both , the the sofa,and let the eyes are make the . In this game, can also hide the toys or of kid, and let own make the . .

父母将一样小东西藏到手心里, 然后一手高一手低放在孩子面前, 让孩子猜东西在那只手里。

hide a in one of two , hold it in of the with one hand and one .and ask the to make a of hand the .

几个孩子站成一圈,站定后只能动一只脚。 一个孩子在中间被蒙上眼睛, 开始捉其他的孩子。

A in a , and move only one feet that. One , with eyes , to the in the of the .

培养孩子的记忆能力, 听懂一些简单的命令,和一些动作词汇。


家长将一些家具(椅子, 板凳, 纸盒, 球, 跳绳, 玩具动物...)布置一下, 制造一些人为的障碍物。

make some and by some (like , , , , , toys)


and come to the of the game

家长先给孩子一些简单的命令, 比如:(孩子的名字),turn , go the and come back here.

慢慢加大难度:(孩子的名字),turn , the box, and then jump over the bear, and come back here.

游戏的难度可以根据孩子掌握的情况, 一句, 到两句, 到多句。 可以是step over the bear, jump into the rope, sit in the box, and then the ...
